Md Tauhidul Islam, Ph.D.
Department of Radiation Oncology
Stanford University
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4. April 10, 2019: Going to join Stanford University as a postdoctoral scholar from June 2019.
3. April 8, 2019: An article regarding analytical model of strain inside a spherical poroelastic inclusion got accepted in Journal of Biomechanics.
2. Jan 10, 2019: An article regarding novel tissue mechanical model and a robust method for strain time constant estimation got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
1. Nov 27, 2018: An article regarding error analysis of single and double exponential approximation to theoretical poroelastic model got accepted in Ultrasonic Imaging.
Research interest
My research focus at Stanford is the application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging and treatment optimization. I am particularly interested in the improvement of the theoretical basis of artificial intelligence techniques from the perspective of treatment planning and diagnostics of cancer. In my PhD, my research focus was ultrasound poroelastography, which is a branch of elastography imaging technique. This technique estimates the time-dependent displacements and strains occurring in a tissue under sustained compression with the purpose of obtaining diagnostically relevant mechanical properties of the tissue, i.e., Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and interstitial and vascular permeabilities.
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